Thursday, April 24, 2008


Tell me about your seriously with this moments.

We all have them. Personally, it is one of my favorite expressions. I like a raise of the eyebrow when someone says it. Perhaps a cock of the head and an incredulous look.

Let me know about your seriously with this moments, and I'll put them up here! If your looking for an example one just came to me. You might be reading this very post right now and think to yourself..."Seriously with this? This damn fool wants me to send him "seriously with this" moments. That's dumb"

It may be dumb, but it's also a seriously with this moment.

Get excited.

Dyson Commericals...

I never want to see these commercials again. NEVER. That British man and his stupid vaccums make me so angry. I don't care how many prototypes you've made. I don't want to hear about it. EVER! That damn British man and his vaccums seemed to have gone a way for a while, but they are back...ever so subtly with all new products. All cleaning related, but that man still is talking about his prototypes, and for some reason it really just makes me angry.

That's Right....

Over the last few weeks I have found myself walking around thinking..."Seriously With This" and last night was the final straw. Carly Smithson was voted off of American Idol so I've had to seize the moment and just let out a great big....


Frankly, Carly Smithson's ouster from American Idol is the least of my concerns but it's as good a place to start as any.

How about this:

1.) I'm 27(with 28 inching it's way over to me faster then I would like) and I'm moving home because of the weight of oh so many financial situations. That's right...I'm going to be a part time Manhattenite. It's my nightmare come to life.

2.) I'm contemplating a variety of careers that a year ago weren't even on my radar. Am I going to sell out to corporate America? I shudder at the thought...but the shudders have gotten progressively less violent.

3.) All any guy that I "hang out" with ever wants to do is cuddle. WTF! I mean, I love to cuddle as much as the next guy, but for the love of God I have spent the last two years cuddling or engaging in some other nonsense that isn't what you are supposed to be doing at 3 in the morning. That goes out to all you barkers out there!

4.) And to bring it back to American Idol...everyone going crazy over Brooke Smith starting again. Am I the only one who really doesn't have a problem with it????